The Importance of Knowing Why You Are Where You Are
Have you ever found yourself wondering how you got to where you are?
I don’t mean when you have a million things on your mind and don’t even notice when you drive by the exit you meant to take on the highway.
I mean when you realize that you have forgotten your dreams and settled for what you have.
That you spend your days doing and being for someone else or everyone else?
That what you do every day is not aligned with your dreams, your goals, or your values.
I have. I did.
I was in a job that was not of my choosing. A job that was available when, during a corporate merger, my position was in jeopardy.
It was a job that I was not only capable of, I was really good at. The work was not difficult. At times, it was even interesting and fun. My customers and colleagues liked me. The salary and benefits were excellent, and vacation time generous. It was a job that I needed.
It was also a job with demands that were 24/7. A job that required sacrificing myself, my family, and my health and well-being, and my dreams.
I eventually left that job, without another lined up but that’s a story for another day.
The decision to leave that job - the salary, the benefits, the routine, the corporate identity, although not easy, changed my life FOR THE BETTER.
So tell me, have you been questioning how you got to where you are?
Are you living in alignment with your goals, your dreams, and your values?
If you want to make changes but don’t know how to begin, let’s chat. I’d be happy to share my experience with you and help you discover opportunities ahead of you.