My Most Important Connection
In his book, The Book of Awakening, Mark Nepo writes “Each person is born with an unencumbered spot - free of expectation and regret, free of ambition and embarrassment, free of fear and worry - an umbilical spot of grace where we were each touched by God.” He goes on to say that “To know this spot is to know who we are, not by surface markers of identity, not by where we work, what we wear or how we like to be addressed, but by feeling our place in relation to the Infinite and by inhabiting it.”
His words got me thinking about my own journey to discover who I am at my core. An unplanned, accidental journey that began several years ago after I told my husband that one day he was going to read my obituary and be surprised. Although my comment was intended to highlight his lack of attention, it was his response - “Why, what are you hiding from me?” - that set my journey in motion.
It was in that moment that I realized my husband, along with everyone else, knew me only to the extent I allowed; that I knew myself only to the extent I allowed.
There were things I hid from others, and myself. Things that were not approved of, appreciated, or understood by others. Things I believed weren’t appropriate or necessary, expected or deserved. Things about myself that I not only hid but had covered up for so many years that I really didn’t know who I truly was; who I was at my core. I had really didn't know who I was in relation to myself or to the Infinite.
I thought that I knew enough about myself. I knew my likes, dislikes, behaviors, and habits. I knew who I was in relation to my values and aspirations, my roles and responsibilities. I knew who I was in relationships within my career, my family, and my community.
I had never thought about who I was in relation to myself or to the Infinite. Note: As I use the word Infinite in this context, I interpret it as divine purpose, noting further that divine is an adjective meaning (1.) of, from or like God or a god; and (2.) excellent; delightful.
I had also never thought about the peace and contentment that knowing who I am in relation to myself would bring. Becoming reacquainted with myself, reconnecting with who I have always been, has created opportunity and freedom, love and curiosity, joy and wonder in my life.
Each and every day, I know better who I am and who I have always been. I know my whole self, who I was born to be. I know my gifts and purpose. I know what brings me joy and allows me to live with grace and ease. I know how I want to feel and how to create a life based on exactly that. And, it is all of this newly discovered knowingness that is simply divine.
Perhaps it is time to get reacquainted with yourself, to reconnect with who you have always been.
If so, I’d be happy to help you do just that so you too can create more opportunity and freedom, love and curiosity, and joy and wonder in your life.