Hopes, Fears, and Goals. Oh My!
I founded Flux + Flow Professional Coaching because I love working with others, listening to their stories, understanding their hopes and fears and goals, and providing support and encouragement wherever it is needed most. Little did I know that I would learn a lot about my own hopes and fears and goals in the process.
While preparing to launch my own business, I had to better define my ideas, outline my goals, get deep into the details, and make decisions about what I really want. I had to start listening to myself - something that isn’t always easy for me! I also had to expand my comfort zone, make some changes in my daily routine, and face my fears. Interestingly, the closer I was to launching my business, the more apparent my fears became.
Also apparent was the fact that I couldn’t do it alone. If I was going to successfully do something I had never done before, I needed to rely on others for their expertise, support, and encouragement. I also needed to ask for help. A couple more things that aren’t always easy for me!
So with a cautious determination, I began to take small steps to move forward. I sought out expertise and guidance from other small business owners and entrepreneurs. I took advantage of available business start-up resources. I enrolled in a business start-up course and a coaching certification program. I also began working with a business coach and a wellness coach. These valuable resources provided not only information, but the courage and camaraderie I needed. With support and encouragement, my focus shifted to the opportunity ahead of me. With support and encouragement, courage and camaraderie, my enthusiasm grew. Interestingly, as my enthusiasm grew, my fears seemed rather insignificant.
How do you face and work through your fears? What resources do you use to help stay focused on your goals? Where do you find support and encouragement?
If you have a story to share, I’d love to hear from you!