From Stuck to Unstuck
“You can’t move into another job in the company.” he said directly. “We won’t let you. You are too valuable doing the job you do now for us to let you do something else.”
I didn’t feel valuable. I felt powerless.
I felt stuck.
I had worked for the company for about 10 years and was the only one who did the work I did.
Work I had been doing for nearly 20 years.
I had developed an expertise and it defined me.
While the work was interesting, and challenging at times, it no longer made my heart sing.
I was ready for something else. Ready to learn new things.
I wanted an opportunity to grow, to contribute in a different way.
It was a big company, with plenty of opportunities.
Or so I thought.
It wasn’t until I was actively seeking opportunities without success that I began asking questions.
Questions that lead to conversations.
Conversations that lead to answers, like “You are too valuable…”
The moment I heard that answer I knew that if I wanted a change, wanted to do something different, it was up to me.
I had to advocate for myself.
I had to create a network of allies who I could share my goals and aspirations with.
I had to find my replacement. And introduce my replacement to those who thought I was the only one who could do my job.
I had to create an opportunity for myself.
In the end, that’s exactly what I did.
I unstuck myself.
If you feel stuck, I can help.
If you are ready to create an opportunity for yourself, I can help with that too.